Stand H10
Medequip is a specialist logistical business that provides innovative solutions in the Health and Social Care sector. As one of the longest serving providers of contracted out ‘Community Equipment Services’, having been awarded the contract for the London Borough of Hillingdon in early 1993, we grown in both size and expertise to now offer fully integrated services which reflect the complex needs of the sector, designed and coproduced in conjunction with commissioners, professional prescribers, community support organisations, and the families, carers and most importantly, those people who use our services.
We are taking the opportunity at NCASC 2022 to Share the Journey.
Medequip have been on a journey of improvement, and truth be told, working in the Health and Social Care system, the destination, whilst always in sight, is always some way off.
That is why we want to do our best today, and tomorrow, for our contract authorities, suppliers, community partners and the people we support.
So, when someone asked if we ever partnered with or helped in-house Community Equipment Services, we couldn’t think of good reasons why we weren’t and we were curious about the people we would meet. We got our thinking hats on, thought about what we could offer and so the idea of “share the journey” was born.
Share the journey is a three month, fully-funded project team, offered to three Local Authorities or NHS organisations that provide their own, in-house Community Equipment Service in England, Scotland or Wales. We have partnered with the innovative social enterprise Community Catalysts to help us deliver something different.
Visit us on Stand H10 to find out more.
My Exhibitor Sessions
Saturday 29 October 2022
Test slot
12:00 - 12:20
Theme 1s
Venue 2
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