Stand D50
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
- Loops / Sensors / Detection
- Solar Powered Products
- Traffic Control & Monitoring
- Traffic Detectors
- Traffic Radar, ITS Radar, Radar Detection
- Traveller Information Systems
- Vehicle Priority Systems
- Video Image Processing
- Wireless Data Communication
- Other

Q-Free's Cycle & Pedestrian Monitoring Unit

Traffic + Cycle Counting, Classification or Weigh-in-Motion for up to 8 lanes

Real Time Journey Time System

Up to 4 Lane Traffic Counter

High Speed Weigh-in-Motion System for up to 16 Lanes
4 Things to love about our HI-TRAC CMU
The HI-TRAC® CMU is a small, low-powered, low-cost electronic system capable of monitoring up to four cycle lanes and four pedestrian lanes. The CMU uses established piezo-electric sensor technology to detect bicycles in either dedicated cycle ways or mixed traffic lanes, as well as pyroelectric infrared sensors to detect pedestrians. The CMU also detects bicycles constructed of non-metal material such as carbon fibre - a major advantage to loop based technologies.
For further information please contact a member of our team via sales.uk@q-free.com
4 Things to love about HI TRAC WIM Systems
For further information please contact a member of our team via sales.uk@q-free.com
Q-Free's Cycle Safety Solution
This innovative combination of the new cycle cluster sensor and HI-TRAC CMU cycle monitoring unit with specially designed algorithms, provides accurate cycle detection in locations of dense cycle traffic.
The unit provides highly accurate cycle path traffic data collection as well as mixed traffic cycle detection.
Cycle safety is improved by warning road users of approaching
• Accurate cycle detection in dense cycle traffic areas
• Detects individual cycles in a cluster
• Accurate wheelbase, speed, gap headway measurement
• Distinguishes cycles from other cycle path traffic
• On-line dashboard provides cycle intelligence such as cycle flow & trends
• Informs cycle traffic management decisions
• New split piezo sensor technology
• Eight piezo inputs provide four detection channels
• Unique algorithms on the cycle lane and traffic lane sensors
For any further information or to discuss our products and solutions please contact us via sales.uk@q-free.com