BridgeStation (FSW IT Solutions)
Stand A07
BridgeStation is the complete asset management tool for bridges and structures. BridgeStation can manage your:
• Inventory – Record structure details, specify elements and detail routes/obstacles
• Performance – Schedule inspections, manage load capacity and log defects
• Reporting – Calculate BCI conditions, design reports and view GIS mapping
• Modelling – Create life cycle plans, value your assets and prioritise maintenance
The system is cloud-based and can be accessed from site or from the office - wherever you have an internet connection you can access BridgeStation.
BridgeStation is the complete cloud-based asset management tool for bridges and structures. Built-in modules help local authorities implement the latest national guidance for structure asset management. Manage your inventory, record structure details, specify elements and routes/obstacles. Record structure performance, schedule inspections, manage load capacity and log defects. Calculate BCI conditions, design reports and view GIS mapping. Create life cycle plans, value your assets and prioritise maintenance.

BridgeStation is the complete cloud-based asset management tool for bridges and structures. Built-in modules help local authorities implement the latest national guidance for structure asset management. Manage your inventory, record structure details, specify elements and routes/obstacles. Record structure performance, schedule inspections, manage load capacity and log defects. Calculate BCI conditions, design reports and view GIS mapping. Create life cycle plans, value your assets and prioritise maintenance.