Wagner CFT Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Stand E06
WagnersCFT specialises in the design, engineering and supply of Composite 'CFT' infrastructure; including Bridges - Pedestrian and Road, Boardwalks, Cycleways, Staircases, Handrails, Wharves and Jetties.
CFT technology provides stronger, lighter, environmentally sustainable, non-conductive, cost-effective technology – virtually maintenance free, backed by engineer certification to UK and world class standards.
WagnersEFC – Earth Friendly concrete is the world’s leading environmentally friendly “zero-cement” concrete with low emissions, but with high sulphate, chloride ion and sewer acid resistance, low shrinkage and low heat of reaction.
WagnersCFT has completed over 1000 CFT and EFC projects worldwide and are launching in the UK’.
Wagner CFT Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Mobile: +44 746 597 5333
WagnersCFT Capabilities (1.33 MiB)‘WagnersCFT specialises in the design, engineering and supply of Composite 'CFT' infrastructure; including Bridges - Pedestrian and Road, Boardwalks, Cycleways, Staircases, Handrails, Wharves and Jetties. CFT technology provides stronger, lighter, environmentally sustainable, non-conductive, cost-effective technology – virtually maintenance free, backed by engineer certification to UK and world class standards. WagnersEFC – Earth Friendly concrete is the world’s leading environmentally friendly “zero-cement” concrete with low emissions, but with high sulphate, chloride ion and sewer acid resistance, low shrinkage and low heat of reaction. WagnersCFT has completed over 1000 CFT and EFC projects worldwide and are launching in the UK’.
Wagners Composite Fibre Manufacturing

Wagners Composite Manufacturing Pty Ltd
FRP Composite Fibre Bridges and Boardwalks with 120 year design life, no maintenance and zero leaching.

Wagners Composite Manufacturing Pty Ltd
FRP Composite Staircases

Wagners Composite Manufacturing Pty Ltd
FRP Composite Boardwalks

Wagners Composite Manufacturing Pty Ltd
FRP Composite Bridges
Wagners CFT | Ocala Boardwalk
WagnersCFT composite fibre clip-on cycleway bridge highway 1, NZ